Hello everyone!! I have a couple new panoramas up! I love these ones!! The one from Alstede Farm is my newest shots. I took it just a couple weeks ago going pumpkin and apple picking. That one is a full 360 view. The other one was taken a couple years ago in Bonaire at Goto Lake. I don’t know why I didn’t put that one together sooner. I like it a lot too! What can I say I guess I’m proud. As one should be of their work. This one is only a 180. Both are very different too. Alstede Farm was just about at sunset, and Goto Lake was taken in the morning about 8 or 9am. Check those out here.
I recently posted a blog about how the Mehu Gallery experience panned out for me as far as selling goes. Check out that blog post here.
I also have my recent photos page updated. I wanted to do something a little different, that explains the square photo. I am a big fan of the 8×12 format. I figured to try out the square format. Check out my recent photos here.
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